Forbes Magazine online published an article based on Gartner research which outlines the ten strategic technology trends for 2014. Link to Gartner Report:
The 10 directions are as follows:
- Mobile Device Diversity and Management
- Mobile Apps and Applications
- The Internet of Everything
- Hybrid Cloud and IT as Service Broker
- Cloud/Client Architecture
- The Era of Personal Cloud
- Software Defined Anything
- Web-Scale IT
- Smart Machines
- 3-D Printing
From this list there are three trends where Welcomer fits. Personal clouds, the Internet of Everything, and Hybrid Cloud and IT as a service broker. Our latest project is a Data Privacy Dashboard, which will works with our Welcomer application. The Dashboard and Welcomer work together by creating a personal space in the Cloud, where the individual is able to access and control personal information no matter where it resides.
Welcomer products, along with apps, add functionality and enable the Internet of Everything for individuals. The Internet of Everything makes relationships between Individuals and Organisations and other Things transparent by remembering the connections between Things no matter what they might be and where the Things might be. Welcomer technologies provides electronic representations of individuals in their different contexts in ways that preserve privacy, safety and security.