Welcomer is able to rationalise a person's contact details across an organisation and at the same time verify their identity. When a person is asked to verify their identity all the existing contact details from all the databases within the organisation are collated and compared. If the evidence from within the organisation of the identity of the person is sufficient for the organisation to have confidence in knowing the person they are marked as having a verified identity. If the person does not have enough verified contact details to establish their identity they are asked to establish their bonafides with government sources by using the Federal Government Document Verification Service.
Once a person has verified their identity they can now use their verified identity as a data source to verify their identity elsewhere. They can also use it to keep their contact details up to date and to inform their original data sources of changes.
Suggested Approach
- Connect all existing member contact details across all internal data sources using OpenID signon.
- Enable members to correct their contact details across the organisation.
- With compliance staff establish rules for verification of identity from internal data sources
- Establish whether further contact details are required from external government or other data sources and ask the member to obtain them through Welcomer using OpenID signon.
- Make the connected data available for viewing, change and reuse by the member.
What the member sees
- The member has logged on to an organisational application or directly to the Contact Details and Verification using OpenID logon.
- The member sees all the contact details in all the different databases accessed by an OpenID logon.
- The member is told whether they are verified.
- If not they are given a set of contact details systems where they may already have verified contact details. Initially this will be the DVS but in the future it could be any Welcomer Enabled database in any organisation.
- The member is shown the possible list of organisations where they can verify themselves and they are asked to connect to these until they have sufficient verification information as determined by the organisation's compliance group.
- The member is then asked if they wish to update any of their existing contact details in any of the databases and if so they update their details.
- The member can use the same system to update their contact details at any time in the future
Why is this approach to Verification of Identity better than using an Identity provider
- It is expected that most members can be verified from their existing history of transactions with the organisation.
- Those that need external verification will require fewer paid checks from the DVS.
- The system helps establishes internal consistency of contact details across the organisation.
- The system provides an ongoing updating of contact details service
- The system provides an ongoing confirmation of verification of identity and is the foundation for authentication of identity
- The system provides a framework for a whole of member view and a method of getting the data for whole of member executive applications.
The steps to deploy the system
- Obtain the inventory of all databases with member contact details.
- Obtain a list of databases that currently have OpenID access.
- Establish the APIs between Welcomer and existing systems to move data and the rules around the movement.
- Establish with the organisation compliance staff what constitutes sufficient verification of identity
- Set up Welcomer as a Gateway provider to the DVS.
- Write the consolidation of existing contact details system and internal verification of identity.
- Write the extension to add in the DVS verification.
- Write th e systems to change contact details.